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The Birman Web Ring

Author: Ronald
Thayer , Taron Birmans

Thanks for joining the Birman Web Ring
are the steps you need to take to qualify to join the ring:
out Site ring form
Copy the HTML code for the Web Ring.
Paste the Panel Code to the same page the ring
will enter on (this is not optional!).
Save the changes to your site.
Email me at taron@birman.net
to let me know the banner has been added.
You will not see your site in the ring until
you have been approved.
You will be notified by email once you are approved.
If you have troubles, email me at taron@birman.net

This is what the Panel will look like on your site:
Once again, modifications to the look of this web banner
are fine!
just as long as the code for changing sites works.
I hope to welcome you to the ring soon.

Visit the Rest of Taron Birmans: